Tag: year review

Food for thought
Make Real – 2021 End of Year Review
By Sam Watts | 17th December 2021

2022 is nearly upon us and so it’s time to look back at the year that was 2021, as far as studio news and output is concerned. After 2020, it continued to be a challenging set of scenarios for everyone across the globe, ending as it began, with many of our clients facing ongoing changes […]

Make Real – 2020 End of Year Review
By Sam Watts | 30th December 2020

Goodbye 2020! Good riddance many would say and whilst we wouldn’t disagree that it’s been an unusual, topsy-turvy, challenging year, creating difficult situations for many, we are here to reflect upon the positives of the year too. Fortunately of which, there were many for the team and studio. NEWS Achievements The biggest achievement for many, […]

Make Real – 2019 End of Year Review
By Sam Watts | 22nd December 2019

As our favourite fictional time-traveller would say, “Oh boy!” what a year it’s been. After our first year of growth following initial investment saw 2018 move and increase the size of the team, 2019 continued the steady pace as we reached for new goals. NEWS Achievements This year we decided it was time the team […]

Make Real – 2018 End of Year Review
By Sam Watts | 21st December 2018

As we prepare to close the studio for the Christmas and New Year period, we thought it was time to look back over the year that was 2018 and everything that the studio has created, been involved in and recap the major news. News The biggest news of the year was welcoming our investors to […]

Make Real 2017 – End of Year Review
By Sam Watts | 18th December 2017

Whilst we take a short breather at the end of another fantastic year before kicking off the next, have a read about some of our highlights from the year. Since each quarter has been covered in depth previously here, here, here and here, this post acts as a summary of our achievements and developments. We’ll also avoid […]

Get in touch

We’re always happy to talk to you about how immersive technologies can engage your employees and customers. If you have a learning objective in mind, or simply want to know more about emerging technologies like VR, AR, or AI, send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.