Month: April 2020

Food for thought
Make Real – A Primer
By Sam Watts | 09th April 2020

It’s often confusing when shopping around for learning & development content creators, especially if you’re looking to break moulds and increase the perception of your company leading in innovation, whilst also keeping a firm hand on logic and reasoned design, towing the line of what’s known to work (because you’ve always done it that way, […]

Make Real – 2020 Q1 Review
By Sam Watts | 03rd April 2020

The first calendar quarter of the year has come to a close, on what has turned out to be turbulent time globally for everyone. Whilst the coronavirus pandemic creates the most news and coverage in the real world and we have had to shift the studio operations to remote working like many other organisations lucky […]

Get in touch

We’re always happy to talk to you about how immersive technologies can engage your employees and customers. If you have a learning objective in mind, or simply want to know more about emerging technologies like VR, AR, or AI, send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.