Tag: VR - Page 4

Make Real – 2018 Q3 Review
By Sam Watts | 30th September 2018

Summer has been and gone and as we prepare for the final stint of the calendar year, wrap up warm, get cosy and read all about our latest activities. As expected with July and August being the main months many people go on holidays, a quieter quarter overall but still some exciting news and developments. […]

Make Real – 2018 Q2 Review
By Sam Watts | 29th June 2018

We’re officially now halfway through 2018 already and it’s time once more to look back over the past quarter and what the Make Real immersive technology development team has been up to. The start of the year was busy throughout the first quarter and whilst we said we would partake in fewer events throughout 2018, […]

Make Real – 2018 Q1 Review
By Sam Watts | 28th March 2018

We’re back once again with a new quarterly review, the first of the year 2018. After a welcome fortnight break away from the studio, the team returned fresh and ready for getting straight down to business for the new year, with exciting new projects and events pre-planned for kick-off. After an excellent year overall in […]

Make Real 2017 – End of Year Review
By Sam Watts | 18th December 2017

Whilst we take a short breather at the end of another fantastic year before kicking off the next, have a read about some of our highlights from the year. Since each quarter has been covered in depth previously here, here, here and here, this post acts as a summary of our achievements and developments. We’ll also avoid […]

Make Real – 2017 Q4 Review
By Sam Watts | 18th December 2017

The final quarter of the year continued the trend from the previous with the external team out and about at a series of events around the UK and further afield overseas. Whilst there were a couple of updates to existing products previously released, there were a number of new projects signed that will significantly increase […]

Get in touch

We’re always happy to talk to you about how immersive technologies can engage your employees and customers. If you have a learning objective in mind, or simply want to know more about emerging technologies like VR, AR, or AI, send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.