Brand: Lloyds Banking Group

Lloyds Banking Group – Hear to Listen
By Natalie Cregan-Evans | 28th June 2024

Committed to improving resources for mental health advocates It’s estimated that around one in four of us will experience a mental health issue of some kind each year. But with stigma around mental health, the problem often goes unspoken or misunderstood. Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) has long been committed to supporting its colleagues get better […]

Lloyds Banking Group – Race Education
By Natalie Cregan-Evans | 10th November 2023

The reality of diversity Lloyds Banking Group is committed to creating a more inclusive future for its employees and customers. And it’s committed to challenging racism and discrimination. Stats from the UK Stuart Spencer Board showed that Lloyds had to close the gap in its organisation and leadership. The challenge – giving employees the tools […]

Lloyds Banking Group – Descape
By Sam Watts | 25th May 2022

The data day Lloyds understand the importance of data to a business. While only a small segment of their employees perform data-specific tasks, everyone in the business will have a touch on data at some point during their day-to-day work, whether they’re aware of it or not. The Descape experience gives learners an introduction to […]

Lloyds Banking Group – Groupwide Induction
By Sam Watts | 09th March 2021

Challenge Onboarding new recruits is a crucial moment for any business. Getting it wrong can lead to costly high attrition rates, with one in ten people reported to have left a job within the first six months because their first impressions of a company have been underwhelming. Businesses are increasingly putting more thought and care […]

Lloyds Banking Group – Data City
By Sam Watts | 08th February 2021

Challenge Data analytics make the world go round. With 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day, there’s an abundance of information to be mined and valuable insights to be discovered  – if only we knew how to tap into it. In 2021, a report by the UK government found that half of businesses struggle […]

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