Blog - Page 3

Thoughts and updates from the team at Make Real, in and around the world of immersive learning technologies and our studio within
Make Real – 2022 Q2 Review
By Sam Watts | 29th June 2022

The end of June signifies the end of the 2nd quarter, and half, of 2022, so it’s time to look back at what we’ve been up to at the studio these past three months. News After many new starters in the first quarter of the year, we’ve been busy onboarding them and bedding in with […]

Food for thought
Capturing human behaviour
By Ellie River | 27th June 2022

{Our Production Assistant Ellie has been getting her head, face and body into motion capture as part of research into streamlining our processes for soft skills VR training development. We asked her to talk us through her research and findings as part of a peek behind the curtain of how we do what we create.} […]

Food for thought
Escape of good hope
By Jane Buffham | 30th May 2022

Each month we host a guest during our all-team stand-ups meetings. When we invited Dr Panagiotis Fotaris, Principal Lecturer in digital games development at the University of Brighton, to talk to Make Real about escape rooms, he had quite the captive audience. Mixing mystery with challenges, puzzles and teamwork is always going to be monstrously […]

Food for thought
Turning your learners into activists
By Sam Watts | 21st April 2022

What happens to learning outcomes if you participate, rather than just consume information? This was the question we asked ourselves as we set about looking at which of our recent projects would benefit from deeper, academic research and statistical analysis of learner impact and intentions. We teamed up with Lynda Joy Gerry, from the Bioengineering […]

Food for thought
Summary of what is the metaverse and what it means for L&D
By Sam Watts | 19th April 2022

Over the past few months we’ve been looking at what is the metaverse and what it means for enterprise L&D. As we near LT22uk on May 4th & 5th 2022, it’s time to pull the blog posts together into one handy link. In part 1 we looked at what the metaverse is, and isn’t, some […]

Get in touch

We’re always happy to talk to you about how immersive technologies can engage your employees and customers. If you have a learning objective in mind, or simply want to know more about emerging technologies like VR, AR, or AI, send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.