Month: November 2018

Learning & The Mirror Neuron System
By Robin Scott | 30th November 2018

I was recently fortunate enough to attend a talk at VR Days Europe by Miriam Reiner, Head of the VR and NeuroCognition Lab at the Israel Institute of Technology Miriam has run a multitude of experiments that aim to assess how current immersive technologies can tap into the most beneficial neural systems for learning. In […]

Need to know
VRFocus Studio Profile
By Sam Watts | 16th November 2018

We invited VR industry-facing news website VRFocus to the studio to come talk to the directors and team about where Make Real came from, what we’re currently cooking and with the recent investment news, where we’re planning on going in the short, mid- and long-term future. See below for a series of video interviews: Robin […]

Stay Up Late / Gig Buddies Google Poly & YouTube 360° Tours
By Sam Watts | 02nd November 2018

As part of our ongoing partnership with local learning disabilities charity projects Stay Up Late and Gig Buddies, we’ve been working with the Google Daydream Impact programme to create a series of venue tours for viewing in 360° and VR. The idea being that viewing these spaces virtually will give viewers the confidence to visit […]

Get in touch

We’re always happy to talk to you about how immersive technologies can engage your employees and customers. If you have a learning objective in mind, or simply want to know more about emerging technologies like VR, AR, or AI, send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.